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Comfort Measures: Leaning Squats & Lunges
2m 59s
Comfort Measures: Leaning Squats & Lunges for Pelvic Floor Release, Rest & Grounding Touch
These are a great stretch on the pelvic floor and pelvic area to prepare for birth and very comforting during labour. It is quite common for people to labour in this leaning position. Leaning forward with legs wide - squat up and down or lunge from side to side.
During pregnancy, you can "lifting your tail feathers" as you squat down and gently rounding your back as you straighten.
Add firm grounding strokes to the back or legs and hold the ankle or feet to create a sense of safety between surges/ contractions.
You can also use affirmations or simple words to help you release and relax while doing these movements.